Auto-Owners Insurance

Auto-Owners Insurance
Safe. Sound. Secure. Since 1916

Monday, November 5, 2012

Customer Satisfaction Reviews of Auto-Owners Insurance Auto Insurance |

Customer Satisfaction Reviews of Auto-Owners Insurance Auto Insurance |
It is my privilege to once again inform you we received confirmation from J. D. Power and Associates we have been recognized “Highest in Customer Satisfaction with the Auto Insurance Claims Experience, Five Years in a Row.” 

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

All Term Insurance Policies are NOT the Same!

All Term Insurance Policies are NOT the Same!

Why should you consider Auto-Owners Term Life insurance over other companies’ products, even if the price is a little higher?

You are ensuring your future. Most term insurance products sold by other companies leave a big exposure gap! Let me illustrate:

Typical competitor’s 10-year term policy Premiums

·         A 41-year-old preferred non-smoking male: $500,000 term life policy

·         Year 1 through 10 premium: $415 per year

·         Year 11: $5,730 annual premium (Huge Rate Increase by our Competitors)

·         Year 12: $6,315

·         Year 15: $8,805

·         Year 20: $14,205

At age 51 for this individual there is a strong chance he will still need life insurance and may even have a greater need for it then. If he were to become uninsurable during the 10-year period of this policy and still needed the life insurance, he would not be too happy knowing he can’t afford the higher premiums after his 10 year term policy expires. By the 20th year he would have paid over $100,000 to keep his coverage in force.

 Most life insurance is intended and designed to never pay a death benefit. In fact, only 2 percent of all term policies sold ever pay a death benefit. Most term policies are designed to force policyholders to go away before they die. At Auto-Owners we think differently about our policyholders. We are interested in insuring our policyholder’s future. Auto-Owners Insurance Company offers a unique optional feature on our 10- and 20- year term policies called Guaranteed Renewability Benefit (GRB).

At the end of a 10-year term of low premiums, the policyholder has the option of continuing coverage by locking in a level rate for another 10-year period. This rate is for the attained age, using the same underwriting class the policyholder had originally, regardless of his current health.

So if our customer qualified for preferred rates at age 41 as in the example above, he would renew at preferred rates at age 51 even if he is uninsurable due to health reasons. Only Auto-Owners allows you to have financial peace of mind knowing you can afford to insure the next ten years of your life with this very unique GRB benefit.

Here is how Auto-Owners pricing would work for the same client as above:

·         Year 1 through 10: $541 per year

·         Year 11 through 20: $1,112 per year

·         So if our customer qualified for preferred rates after the 10 year policy expires for this 41-year-old male we are using as an example. He would need to pay a premium that is only $126 per year higher with Auto-Owners for the first 10 years in order to get the peace of mind knowing the future is protected if he becomes uninsurable. After the 11th year he would already be money ahead with Auto-Owners. I am sure you will agree that the Guaranteed Renewability Benefit is important for securing your financial future and it’s only available from Auto-Owners Insurance. The cheapest price is usually not the best value in anything we buy.

Michael Carlisle

Carlisle Insurance Agency

659 E. Main St. Suite A

Jackson, Oh 45640


Thursday, May 31, 2012

When Should I File An Insurance Claim?

When Should I File An Insurance Claim?

When Should I File An Insurance Claim?

It is always a good idea to consult with your independent insurance agent.


Insurance Claims
To pay out of pocket or file an insurance claim; the answer is not always clear.

You purchase insurance for life’s unexpected events and you trust your independent insurance agent to help you find the right coverage for the best price.

By definition an insurance claim is a request to an insurance company to pay for a loss. This claim initiates an evaluation process to determine if the loss is the responsibility of the requested insurance company. However, keep in mind that the purpose of insurance for consumers is to protect them from financial disaster, not small expenses.

There are no set rules on when to file a claim although the guidelines below can help you evaluate your individual situation. It is always a good idea to consult with your agent. Remember – he/she is there to look out for your best interest and may have more information that may affect your decision.

DO file if …
It is a BIG claim. Experts agree it is not wise to make small claims, although they disagree on what small means. To some that is $500. Others say $1,000. It will depend on what you can afford to pay out of pocket.
You have not had recent claims. Filing a single claim might have no effect on your auto or homeowners premiums.
Injuries are involved. If there is a chance someone else in the incident could claim they were injured, file a claim to protect yourself from an injury lawsuit.
You have had the policy a while. Longtime customers who make few or no claims generally get more leniency than new customers who file claims.

DO NOT file if …
Your deductible is higher than the value of your claim. Your deductible is the amount you have to pay before your insurance kicks in.
You have had other recent claims. Filing several claims in the same year might trigger an increase, Hubbard said. So, if you are facing numerous claims, you might want to pay one of the smaller ones out of pocket, she said.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Protecting Your Employees Against Slips, Trips and Falls


Protecting Your Employees Against Slips, Trips and Falls

As a business owner, one of your primary concerns should be protecting your most valuable assets.  Most people agree the earning power of the owners and employees is one of the main assets of any business. 

     Slips, trips and falls cause the majority of general industry accidents and 15 percent of all accidental deaths.  They cause more fatalities than all other causes but motor vehicles.  In the construction industry, falls are the leading cause of worker fatalities.  Each year between 150 and 200 workers on average are killed and more than 100,000 are injured as a result of falls at construction sites.

     The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has recently revised its construction industry safety standards and developed systems and procedures designed to prevent employees from falling off, onto, or through working levels and to protect employees from being struck by falling objects.  The OSHA rule clarifies what an employer must do to provide fall protection for employees, such as identifying and evaluating fall hazards and providing specific training.

     Under the revised standards, employers are able to select fall protection measures compatible with the type of work being performed.  Fall protection generally can be provided through the use of guardrail, safety net, personal fall arrest, positioning device and warning line systems.

     There are many situations that can cause slips, trips and falls.  To increase the awareness of these hazards to your employees, we suggest the following:

Make tripping and fall hazards an area to focus on in your regular safety meetings and inspections.

Review each accident report to determine the cause of any slips, trips or falls and take corrective action.

Put up safety posters warning about slip, trip and fall hazards.

Provide training for all employees. 

     By eliminating workplace hazards and training employees to take work safely, most of the reported injuries and fatal accidents can be prevented.  Protecting your employees against slips, trips and falls will also have a positive impact on your workers compensation expenses.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Personal Or Commercial Car Insurance: Which Is Right For You?

Personal Or Commercial Car Insurance: Which Is Right For You?

(NAPS)—If, like many Americans, your family car is also used for purposes that could be considered commercial use, you may want to steer yourself into a chair and look over your insurance policy.
You’ll need to consider buying a commercial policy or making sure that your existing personal auto policy covers the vehicle for business use. Whether or not you need a commercial policy depends on how you use your vehicle and what company you have it insured with. Every company has different guidelines and may surcharge for business-use coverage on a personal auto policy.
If you’re not sure whether business use is covered on your personal policy, it’s important to call your insurance company or agent. The Progressive Group of Insurance Companies has put together these four questions you may want to ask:

§         How do companies determine commercial use? One definition could include “engaging in transporting goods for compensation or a fee,” which includes pizza or newspaper delivery, catering, door-to-door consulting services, landscaping or snowplowing services, logging business, day care/church van services or farm-to-market delivery. People who do these kinds of work should consider purchasing a commercial vehicle policy.
§         Do you need more liability coverage than a personal auto policy provides? Generally, a commercial auto policy offers higher limits of liability, but less or no coverage in areas that are typically not associated with commercial auto risks.
§         Do you need special coverage for situations encountered while conducting business? Commercial auto policies usually offer these coverages, and they’re normally not available with personal auto policies. These include hired and nonowned auto coverage and coverage for towing a trailer for business use.
§         Do you need to list any employees as drivers? Commercial auto policies allow you to list anyone that you employ. You don’t have that option with a personal auto policy. In general, you’ll need commercial auto coverage if the vehicle you use is owned by a corporate partnership or driven by employees, or if it’s used to haul tools or equipment weighing more than 500 pounds, make deliveries or heavy enough to require state or federal filings.

For more information about commercial auto insurance, visit

Did You Know?

If, like many Americans, your family car is also used for purposes that could be considered commercial use, you may want to steer yourself into a chair and look over your insurance policy. For more information about commercial auto insurance, visit

Finding A Commercial Auto Insurance Company

Insurance Matters
Finding A Commercial Auto Insurance Company

(NAPS)—For many business owners, the road to success cannot be driven without company vehicles. They are a key component of the business’ continued operations and are essential to the company’s livelihood.

And just as you’d never consider going on a job without all the necessary tools of your trade, you should never consider driving your business vehicle without the right insurance coverage. But finding the right commercial auto insurance company can be a tricky proposition. There are lots of companies offering commercial auto coverage, so it’s important that you select one that meets the needs of your business.

Of all the factors you’ll want to take into account, the company’s experience with commercial auto insurance and claims service will have the biggest impact on you and your business. Here are some questions to ask yourself as you consider different commercial auto insurance companies:

                        Do they have experience with your business type? How long has the company offered commercial auto coverages? Do they understand the insurance needs that are unique to your line of work? A carrier with commercial auto expertise ensures that you’ll get the right coverage for your business.

                        Do they excel in customer service? You need 24/7 service that is fast, accurate and focused on your bottom line. You also need the convenience of being able to handle your insurance business
on nights and weekends, because you can’t count on having the time to deal with such matters during regular business hours.

                        Do they offer flexible, competitive products? Pay­ment options? Insurance rates can vary a great deal from company to company, so you’ll want to compare. You want flexibility in the types of coverages—and also payment options. Monthly bill plans can help small-business owners maintain necessary cash flow.

                        Do they have a demon­strated record of claims expe­rience? Keeping vehicle down-time to a minimum is vital to any business. Each minute a vehicle is out of commission affects your bot-tom line. Look for a company that’s known for efficient claims service and fast, fair resolution.

To learn more about commercial auto insurance or to find an independent agent, visit the Web site at

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Risk Of Flooding Is Real


The Risk Of Flooding Is Real; Don’t Gamble Anymore

     A recent survey of a Vermont town affected by the recent Northeast flooding found that 80% of the people suffering a flood loss did not have the funds to repair all of the damage they received.  Between 2001 and 2010 the average loss paid by the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) was $48,000. 

     Because most homeowners policies do not cover flood losses, would the average flood loss—or even a smaller flood loss— cause you a significant financial burden?  If so, a flood insurance policy can help.  A flood insurance policy can provide up to $250,000 in structure coverage and up to $100,000 in contents coverage for homeowners.   Renters can purchase up to $100,000 in contents coverage.

     You can buy flood insurance no matter what your flood risk.  Almost anyone in a community that participates in the NFIP can purchase coverage.  There are very few exceptions. 

     You do not need to live near water to be flooded.  Many people affected by flooding live miles from the nearest river or ocean.  Floods are caused not only by storms and hurricanes, but also snowmelt, inadequate and overloaded drainage systems and even broken municipal water mains.

     Flood insurance is affordable.  Homeowners in low-risk areas can purchase $20,000 in building and $8,000 in contents coverage for as little as $129 a year.  Even a small amount of flood insurance can help reduce the burden of a potential flood loss.

     Do you think a flood can’t happen to you?  That’s what the people in the Vermont survey thought.  They gambled and lost.  Some of them may never recover.   Don’t let that happen to you.  Please contact our office and we will be happy to discuss your flood insurance options.
Flood Insurance

Friday, January 20, 2012






Life insurance should be the foundation of everyone’s financial planning. Regardless of age, everyone needs life insurance protection. For children this need is not measured by current financial obligations, but by what the future will hold. Auto-Owners Children’s Advantage Plan Plus ® is recommended and designed for those who care. Starting a child with a permanent life insurance program, while his or her health is still good, and also providing a tax deferred annuity savings element for whatever future needs he or she may have, is a sound financial decision. Not only will a life insurance policy financially protect the parents of the child, but, it could be given as a gift to the child when he or she reaches adulthood for his or her use of the cash values, or as a policy to protect the financial well being of his or her own family. Please read the amazing policy features and benefits to insuring what matters most to you.


Policy Features and Benefits


Issue ages are from 15 days through age 17 - allows protection to be obtained before health problems manifest themselves.

Coverage, premiums and cash values are guaranteed to age 110.

Policy amounts available are from $10,000 to $50,000.

Policy amount increases 50% automatically at both age 18 and 25 with no premium increase.

Optional annuity benefit - allows an excellent opportunity to begin a retirement savings account, right from the start.

5% Customized Joint Life Discount - allows a savings when two or more policies, with insurable interest, are billed together.

Life Multi-Policy Discount - provides a 5% discount on your automobile, homeowners, mobile homeowner’s insurance policy. With the life discount of 5% applied to your homeowners and automobile policy most of the time the life insurance policy is completely 100% FREE. You simply just can’t find a better life insurance plan for your child or grandchild.

Premiums paid in advance - allows for any number of life insurance premiums paid in advance at a discount.

Cost: $10,000 life insurance policy for a 5 year old female is $6.00 a month. Coverage will automatically increase to $15,000 at age 18 and to $20,000 at age 25. Therefore, at age 25, the initial coverage of $10,000 automatically doubles without any increase in premium. With the life discount of 5% applied to your homeowners and automobile policy most of the time the life insurance policy is completely 100% FREE.

If you would like to purchase this life insurance policy for your child or grandchild, have any questions relating to this or any life insurance product or have any questions please feel free to call Michael Carlisle at Carlisle Insurance Agency at 740-286-5031.


Auto-Owners is "Highest in Customer Satisfaction with the Auto Insurance Claims Experience, Four Years in a Row" -- J.D. Power and Associates

Friday, January 13, 2012

Shedding Light On Car Insurance Savings

Carlisle Insurance Agency

Shedding Light On Car Insurance Savings

It can be easier than you think to put the brakes on high auto insurance rates – as an independent agency; Carlisle Insurance Agency can help! We can review your policy and possibly help you find a variety of illuminating ways to save money. Here are some things you may want to consider:

• Ask us to check several companies’ rates. This is the single most important thing you can do to get the best possible rate—and we can do it for you quickly and easily. The difference between the highest and lowest rate available to you from different companies could vary by hundreds of dollars.

• Reduce or drop physical damage coverage on an older car. Depending on your car’s age and where you live, comprehensive and collision coverage may not be worth keeping. We can give you advice on whether it makes sense to reduce or drop this coverage altogether.

• Raise your deductible. According to the Insurance Information Institute, raising your deductible from $200 to $500 could reduce your collision and comprehensive cost by 15 to 30 percent. In addition, because the average driver files a collision claim only once every ten years, odds are that over the lifetime of your car, a higher deductible will save you money. We can show you how raising your deductible will lower your premium.

• Look for discounts. Many insurance companies reduce premiums for certain driver traits or car features. For example: being a homeowner for more than three years, nonsmoker, nondrinker, students with good grades, senior citizens who have taken an approved defensive driving course, people who only drive for pleasure, cars kept in garages, antilock brakes, antitheft devices, air bags, etc. Ask us to check.

• Don’t assume having your car and home insured by the same company is the best option. Because auto insurance rates vary so much from company to company, it may make sense for you to have your car and home insured by separate companies. Let’s talk about it.

To learn more about all an independent agency can offer you, call Carlisle Insurance Agency at 740-286-5031 or visit or

Michael Carlisle

Carlisle Insurance Agency

659 E. Main St. Suite A

Jackson, Oh 45640

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Extra Expense Insurance

If your business suffers a major disaster that interrupts normal business operations, what effect will it have on your operations over the long term? Will you be able to retain customers? Will you lose valuable employees? Alternatively, does your
business allow you the flexibility to operate from a different location with equipment that is easily acquired? The answers to these questions allow a business owner to determine whether business income coverage, extra expense insurance or a combination of both, is needed.

Businesses, especially those offering a service that can easily be replaced by another business, may face permanent loss of customers if business is interrupted for an extended period of time. Businesses whose operations depend more on employees than on location may not have a serious threat of income loss, since they can continue operating from a temporary location preserving income flow. However, operating from a temporary location and expediting delivery of replacement supplies and equipment can add up to considerable extra expense. Additional advertising may also be necessary to let people know you aren’t out of business. In many cases, a business may need both business income coverage and extra expense coverage.

The promise of extra expense coverage is to pay the actual and necessary extra expenses needed to continue operations, which would not have been incurred if there had not been a direct physical loss to the business. The period of restoration begins on the date of loss and ends when the property should be repaired, if reasonable speed is applied while returning the property to its pre-loss condition. Interference by building ordinance, zoning law or environmental protection law does not extend the period of time when extra expenses are payable. The period of restoration is based on the period of time during which repairs should be completed. The expiration of the policy has no bearing on this period of time. http:\\